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As a floatation device

A pool noodle is a long, buoyant, and lightweight foam tube, typically used as a flotation device in swimming pools. It's often used for fun, relaxation, and safety, especially for children or non-swimmers. The noodle floats on water, providing support and a comfortable grip for users. They come in various colors and sizes, making them popular for pool parties and recreational activities. 

This definition was generated by AIAI, - Usingsing our BigNoodle modelmodel.

As an AI model

Here at ScaiLabs, our first AI model was called "Poolnoodle". Since then, all models are designated as "Poolnoodles". Although some can have a more specific name like our BigNoodle or CodeNoodle, the are all part of our family of Poolnoodles.

The Poolnoodles having some technical difficulties