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Poolnoodle-BigNoodleMixup is our biggestnew standardmain-contender transformerfor model,a featuringbig aboutmodel 75with billiondeep parameters.reasoning capabilities. It's a generalsparse purposemixture model,of trainedexperts inmodel manybased languageson Mixtral 8x7, but with updated tokenizations and many generic capabilities.embeddings.

Poolnoodle-BigNoodle'sMixup strong points are general reasoning and a deep general knowledge. With this, the model is capable of making complex decisions.

Poolnoodle-BigNoodleMixup is a model that is trained to be helpful and explanative, with the appropriate instructions, it's a great model for an AI chatbot. 

With a standard context length of 819216384 tokens without context-extension measures, it's capable of holding prettyvery long conversations and can parse considerable amount of text.

WithDespite 75being billiona parameters,relatively heavy model, it's notbeen theheavily mostoptimized leanfor modelspeed and as such it'sit notoutputs themuch fastest.faster Usethan Poolnoodle-BigNoodlemost whenLLaMa-based you need deep reasoning and deep insights.models.

Model Faceplate

Model name Poolnoodle-BigNoodle
Family Poolnoodle
Model Base UUID 2b1a1c6a-88c4-4db5-b08b-30ec5e8e2098e7a79d39-f149-476f-9492-2884b3828722
Parameters Circa 7556 billion
Origin LlamaMixtral 28x7
License LLamaMixtral 28x7 license and ScaiLabs Model License
Context Length 819216384
RoPE Scaling Supported Yes, dynamic
Tokenizer scaitoken-12
Embeddings model scailar-12
Runtime compatibility HF Transformers, FastChat, vLLM, ScaiBlossom 1.3+

Model Versions

Version Version String Release date UUID
0.911 poolnoodle-mixup-0.91-bignoodle1-alpha 2023-09-2024-07-12 fa1c2c2f-65be-4937-a58d-9c874a74a993