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Welcome to ScaiWave!ScaiWave, the default web application for our AI platform!

ScaiWave'sThis primaryguide focuswill help you navigate and understand the different features and functionalities of our platform. ScaiWave consists of various apps, all accessible through the app launcher. The app launcher is the AIstarting Assistant,point whichof the entire platform and features tiles for each available app. Depending on your access rights, you will see different apps in the launcher. Simply click on a tile to access the desired app. An icon in the top left corner of the screen represents the app launcher and allows you to interact with the AI persona's through a chat interface. The other apps, such as Persona University and Administration, are supportive features designed to help create, manage, and maintain the AI persona's and user access. A tile icon in the application's header provides easy accessreturn to the app-launcher,app enablinglauncher at any time. We hope this guide helps you tomake navigatethe betweenmost appsout asof needed.our platform and its features.