At the core of our AI tooling are our models, as explained before. But what are personas and what is the difference between a persona and a model?Personas
AI-poweredScaiWave, chatbotsan inAI thepersona ScaiWaveis applicationa thatvirtual arecharacter designedor toagent. assistThese userspersonas have specific purposes, such as a language assistant, a coding assistant, or other specialized functions. Interaction with various tasks and provide specific functionalities. Eacha persona hascan abe unique name and is defined by its behavior, which is determineddirectly by the selecteduser through a chat interface, or by a machine to machine interface, depending on the purpose of the persona.
A Persona is based on a model, temperature,but TopPthen value,extends on that model by further specifing the functioning of the AI. This is done in several ways. First of all there is the system prompt, a set of instructions that tells the model how we want it to react, how it must behave and contains any specific instructions for that persona.
Next to the system prompt.prompt Additionally, personaswe can havealso specifictweak the temperature and Top P settings that, in a nutshell, determines how "creative" and "free" the model can be. Lastly we can add additional knowledge or capabilities (in the form of vector databases)databases and capabilities (in the form of LORA's) tothat caterextend tothe differentmodel's userfunctionality.
The Usersplatform provides several pre-defined personas, but you can interactalso withcreate and customize your own personas throughusing the AIPersona assistantUniversity app,app.
You can chat with the personafind and receive assistance based on its purpose, such as a language assistant, coding assistant, or other specialized roles.So while a model provides us with both knowledgeoverview and capabilities,explanation aof personaScaiWave's addspre-defined ontopersonas this,here.
hones those skills for a specific task.