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Purposes of processing

ScaiWave is an online service allowing for the processing of privacy sensitive or personal data. As provider of this service, ScaiLabs BV recognises the importance of carefully handling such personal data. For this reason, we take great care to correctly process and appropriately protect all personal data.

In carrying out data processing, we operate in compliance with the requirements set forth by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means that, among other things, we:

·         clearly communicate the purposes​ for whichgeneral, we process personal data. We do so in this privacy statement;

·         in collecting personal data, we limit ourselves​ to data necessary for legitimate purposes;

·         ask you in advance for explicit consent​ to the processingfollowing of your personal data in cases in which consent is required;

·         take appropriate measures​ to protect your personal data and demand the same from third parties processing personal data on our behalf;purposes:

·         respectTo yourprovide, right,administer, o​nmaintain request to view your personal data, have them rectified and/or removed.​analyze the ScaiWave services;

In·         processingTo personalimprove dataour services and conduct research;

·         To communicate with theyou; useincluding ofto ScaiWave,send ScaiLabsyou BVinformation actsabout inour the role of processor, while its customers/clients operate as controllers. In this privacy statement, we explain which personal data we collectservices and useevents;


·         behalfTo develop new programs and services;

·         To prevent fraud, criminal activity, or misuses of our controllersservices, and for which purposes. We ask you to readprotect thisthe statementsecurity carefully.of our IT systems, architecture, and networks;

This·         privacyTo statementcarry hasout lastbusiness beentransfers; amendedand[RC1] on February 14, 2024.

·         To comply with legal obligations and legal process and to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you, or other third parties.

 [RC1]Uitzoeken of we deze moeten laten staan. Wordt hier bedoeld letterlijk bedrijfsoverdracht? Of worden hier administratieve processen als facturatie bedoeld.